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Edward James Olmosの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 5ページ):

Edward James Olmos Success! - 2013年7月20日
Sent 2 8x10s and a 4x6 card on 03/14/13. Received sometime in the last 4 months (I have been out of town a lot lately). Got both photos back signed but not the card. One photo looks like he tried to sign in silver but decided to go over it with a black pen. Im very happy about this success! - - Sent to the Olmos Productions Inc/Burbank, CA address. Olmos Productions, Inc. 500 S. Buena Vista St. Old Animation Bldg. Suite 1G. MC 1675 Burbank, CA 91521 USA

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Edward James Olmos SUCCESS - 2013年7月2日
Sent: 7th september 2012 -> letter, SAE, 2 Dollars Received: 1st july 2013 -> Signed and personalized picture in my SAE - Edward James Olmos Olmos Productions, Inc. 500 S. Buena Vista St. Old Animation Bldg. Suite 1G. MC 1675 Burbank, CA 91521 USA As a huge BSG fan he was my most wanted and after Katee Sackhoff and James Callis my third BSG autograph.

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Edward James Olmos (Admiral Adama-Battlestar) success!! - 2013年6月17日
Today I received the long awaited signature of Edward James Olmos. Im so excited that he responded!! I sent a LOR, photo and SASE on March 26 to the address in the database. It worked!! Yay!!!! <img src= Edward James Olmos 500 S. Buena Vista St. Old Animation Building Suite 1G MC 1675 Burbank, CA, 91521 -

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Edward James Olmos - Success - 2013年3月1日
Edward James Olmos Mailed: 7/5/12 (2) 5x7 4½ Month Turnaround Received: 11/23/12 Both Pictures Returned, Only One Personalized Autographed Used address in the database -

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Edward James Olmos - 2012年7月28日
sent sase photo letter around nov 2011 rec july 28 2012 silver ink kinda hard to see with a photo - used address in database Olmos Productions, Inc. 500 S. Buena Vista St. Old Animation Bldg. Suite 1G. MC 1675 Burbank, CA 91521 USA

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