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Eintracht Frankfurtの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Eintracht Frankfurt Sucess! - 2025年1月8日
Today I got back my through the mail autograph request from Eintracht Frankfurt! I used the address: Eintracht Frankfurt F.C. Eintracht Frankfurt Fußball AG Mörfelder Landstraße 362 60528 Frankfurt Germany I got an unsigned card of Hugo Ekitike and two signed cards from Kevin Trapp and Ellyes Skhiri. Here are some links to some pictures of them: http://surfmypictures.com/image/fcd0e1d201a20f6e/cir20.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/fcd0e1d201a20f6e/wtfnv.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/fcd0e1d201a20f6e/3lv43.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/fcd0e1d201a20f6e/uhrzx.html

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Eintracht Frankfurt Email Success! - 2019年8月2日
Sent an email last week to info at eintrachtfrankfurt.de requesting Rebic signature. Unfortunately they didn't have his available but they provided me with 3 other players! Arrived 2 days after the email was sent. I also don't think they are pre-printed since one of the signatures looks smudged. http://surfmypictures.com/image/a76d7896af453b55/dxb39.html

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Eintracht Frankfurt Success - 2019年7月26日
Send email to Eintrach Frankfurt requesting an autograph of Makoto Hasebe. Received Hasebe's card along with other 2 cards. I think the autographs are authentic because the signature has a different light reflection, and I accidentally smudge Hasebe's signature (very small, not noticeable. Or just my imagination. My finger was wet doing kitchenworks when I received it) Used this email info at eintrachtfrankfurt.de Send date: July 8, 2019 Receive date: July 26, 2019 http://surfmypictures.com/image/108bf934354c5cb3/ucmp8.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Eintracht Frankfurt Success - 2017年9月11日
Eintracht Frankfurt Success Lost the email I was sent from them with their address sorry. Link on my instagram:

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Eintracht Frankfurt - 2015年12月12日
Sent: LOR+SAE+Cash Received autographs of Hradecky x 2, Castaignos and Ga?inovi? Eintracht Frankfurt Fußball AG Mörfelder Landstraße 362 60528 Frankfurt/Main Germany , and

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