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Elie Wieselの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Elie Wiesel Success - 2014年7月26日
I wrote him a letter a few days ago explaining that I learned a lot about his life during the holocaust with sending my sympathy to him having to go through losing his friends and family and explained myself about my strong interest in history and my main goal using history in museum or teaching to make a world a better place to learn not to repeat the same mistakes, strong support for Civil Rights for people who are different to be protected from discrimination, and the need for human rights to end oppressive government. Also in my letter I also sent my prayers to him , the survivor of the holocaust, and people including refugees who struggle to survive through oppressive government or discrimination. Sent letter through priority Mail on Thursday, July 17, 2014 for me it took about 7 days Received the letter on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 Will post this on my blog later. here is the link: http://mwinick.blogspot.com/2014/07/eli ... etter.html

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WOW Elie Wiesel Success! - 2013年9月6日
This one means a lot and Im so glad I got it back. I sent out a SASE with no picture or anything and got this very nice letter back signed at the bottom. Sent 8/24/13 and received 9/6/13. Very fast turnaround. If you dont know who he is, hes an author and survivor of the Holocaust. Very historic figure. We read his book back in school and I remember the effect it had on me. This was a must have. The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity 555 Madison Avenue 20th Floor New York, NY 10022 USA -

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Elie Wiesel Success - 2013年6月7日
Wrote to the address of Elie Wiesels foundation late May, shortly explaining my admiration and asking if he could sign a bookplate Id included and return it to me. He did within a week -- very happy and grateful, especially for such a quick turnaround! -

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Elie Wiesel - 2013年4月4日
I used the address in the database and wrote to Mr. Elie Weisel. He wrote the very moving book Night. I sent in mid March and it took about 2 weeks. Sorry threw out the envelope. Please no comments on authenticity. -

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Elie Wiesel success! - 2013年1月16日
on 12/4/12 I sent a LOR, 3x5 index card and SASE to Elie Wiesel and on 12/8/12 received it back personalized and signed. Sorry no scanner.

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