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Eliza Doolittleの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Eliza Doolittle Succes - 2012年12月11日
On 04/14/12 send a email http://atcmanagement.com/ to Eliza her manager. Today i recieved a autograph photo with a typed letter which has my name hand written on top <img src= Photo: -

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Eliza Doolittle Success :D - 2012年2月10日
Heey <img src= Today I also received Eliza Doolittles autograph 2 weeks ago i sent Eliza a SASE, letter & my album cover and she signed it for me <img src= address used, Eliza Doolittle ATC 142 New Cavendish Street Westminster London, W1W 6YF UK Picture ~ http://twitpic.com/8i60mf Envelope ~ -

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Eliza Doolittle - Success - 2011年10月7日
Sent: 23rd September 2011 Received: 7th October 2011 Sent letter and SASE to Eliza Doolittle. Received a signed photo Address used: ATC 142 New Cavendish Street Westminster London W1W 6YF UK - -

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Eliza Doolittle Success! - 2011年9月29日
I sent a photo, along with a LOR and an SAE in around May time. Recieved the photo back and signed, along with a little typed out letter on the 28th September 2011 <img src= I sent to; Eliza Doolittle ATC 142 New Cavendish Street Westminster London W1W 6YF UK -

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Eliza Doolittle Autograph Success! - 2011年9月28日
I sent a letter to Eliza Doolittle in April, along with two 10x8 photos which I had bought, as well as the booklet from inside her CD. I asked her if she would be kind enough to sign all three items, and to sign them to me personally. ALL THREE came back today, signed "To Simon...etc" and I received a typed letter at the same time, thanking me for my support. A bit of a wait, but well worth it in the end!! <img src= <img src= [uk<!-- s[uk -->

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