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Elizabeth Rodriguezの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Elizabeth Rodriguez (Fear the Walking Dead, Grimm) Success! - 2016年3月15日
Hey everyone. I've been so busy this past year with school and sending out TTM's, I haven't been able to keep you all updated on my successes. So why not do it all again starting with today's success!? Today I went out to the mailbox, hoping to get my order of 80+ pictures so I could send out some more fan mail, but instead I got one of my envelopes back. Inside were my two 4x6 photo's I sent to actress Elizabeth Rodriguez who played on FTWD as the character Liza Ortiz (because as we all know, I'm a huge WD fan) and she personalized them to me. I used the address in the database and I sent these out about a month and a half ago so these made great time! The photos are down below! Enjoy! <img src=

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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