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Ellen Burstynの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Ellen Burstyn RTS (after 1 year) - 2022年3月20日
Sent an autograph request to Ellen Burstyn -  ... on 04.03.2021 , sent to her PO BOX address: Parkwest Finance Station  P.O. Box 20906  New York,  NY 10025  USA  .... after more than 1 year I receive the packet back as 'Return To Sender'- .... is there not another address I can try? thx

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Ellen Burstyn Success - 2018年7月11日
Sent : (Letter + picture + enveloppe with reply coupon) 15 February 2018 Received : (My picture signed in my enveloppe) 05 July 2018 Ellen Burstyn Parkwest Finance Station P.O. Box 20906 New York, NY 10025 USA Comments about authenticity are welcome <img src=

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Ellen Burstyn success - 2017年10月26日
Ellen Burstyn success Sent : 22/05/17 Received : 26/10/17 I sent a letter and a reply coupon to Mrs.Ellen Burstyn Ellen Burstyn Parkwest Finance Station P.O. Box 20906 New York, NY 10025 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Ellen Burstyn Success - 2017年3月29日
Sent 2/20/17, Received 3/29/17 using database address. Ellen Burstyn Parkwest Finance Station P.O. Box 20906 New York, NY 10025 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/1f473e2 ... desl2.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/1f473e2 ... mfn5k.html

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Ellen Burstyn success! - 2017年2月20日
I sent a LOR and a SAE to the post office box address in the database on 15/12/16, and today I received a signed and personalised photo!! I really like her movies, especially Requiem For a Dream <img src= <img src= <img src= Ellen Burstyn Parkwest Finance Station P.O. Box 20906 New York, NY 10025 USA https://www.instagram.com/p/BQuM1iQBtes ... tion&hl=en Thank you so much Ms. Burstyn and fanmail <img src=

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