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Elliot Eastonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Elliot Easton Singer Songwriter Guitarist The Cars - 2018年12月11日
Elliot Easton (born Elliot Steinberg, December 18, 1953, in Brooklyn, New York) is an American musician, guitarist, singer and songwriter. He plays lead guitar and sings backing vocals for the Cars. His guitar solos are an integral part of the band's hit singles. He studied music at the Berklee College of Music. He is a left-handed guitarist. Upon the collapse of the Cars in 1988, Easton played in bands such as the New Cars and the roots rock group Creedence Clearwater Revisited. He has also played in songs by newer artists such as the power pop band the Click Five, whose guitarist Joe Guese referred to him as "the Boston connection". In 2018, Easton was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the Cars. In 2013, the Gibson Guitar Company launched the Elliot Easton "Tikibird" Firebird guitar, which is a modified version of their Firebird model. Sent him 2 photos on 14 Nov and got both back signed on 10 Dec.. He also included a guitar pick that has his name on one side and a Tiki on the other. HE IS THE LEFT HANDED GUITAR PLAYER [youtube3dOx510kyOs[/youtube [youtubeK3SA5Z-cbC8[/youtube [youtubeC_2qkBsf6dA[/youtube Wrote to him at one address and this is the address that was stamped on his return envelope Glass/Easton 5609 Hoback Glen Road Hidden Hills, CA 91302

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