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Elton Johnの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 9ページ):

Elton John Oryginal! - 2012年12月27日
Hello Everybody! I sent 28.08.2011 letter, sae and photo to Elton.Today I get answer from him. He sent me PP and signed my photo,but with dedication to Angela ( My name is Weronika) and in brackets he wrote "Weronika,sorry!". I used address in database. There is scan: -

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Elton John success - 2012年11月22日
sent: 10/10/12 received: 11/21/12 wait time: 41 days I sent a letter, photo, SAE, and IRC to this address: Elton John c/o Rocket Music Management 1 Blythe Road London W14 0HG UK Elton John is one of my favorite artists along with Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Phil Collins, and Billy Joel. I heard he also performs songs with Billy Joel. My top favorite hit from Elton John is "Crocodile Rock". I like the fact that he did music for [iThe Lion King[/i and [iGnomeo & Juliet[/i. I even did see him in an episode of [iThe Muppet Show[/i. He never did sign the photo I sent but his agency did send me a pre-print photo of him and a letter. He also sent back the IRC. I only wish he could sign authentically but it is better than nothing. HALLEJULAH! No scanner.

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Elton John - 2012年9月27日
I used the address in database. Sent on 28th of august, received on 5th of september. Letter, IRC, 1 Foto. Elton John Rocket Music Management 1 Blythe Road London W14 0HG UK - <img src=

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Elton John Success - 2012年3月9日
Sent: 07/11/2011 Received: 31/1/2012 Email: customerservice at website.eltonjohn.com Signiture: Preprint Photo: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/20 ... 010ot.jpg/ Envelope: Sorry i threw it out I Have been useing this site for about 4 months just thought about signing up <img src= sorry but im about to spam your Feedback forum with my successes = Hope you dont mind ~Plat

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Elton John BAD success! - 2012年2月25日
Hey, After reading all the success for Elton John autograph request I sent him 2 photos to London about 2 weeks ago. Today I got my photos back unsigned with a pre print and a letter stating that hes getting to many autograph request to sign real ones and that this was a printed one. What a BAD success... Elton John Rocket Music Management 1 Blythe Road London W14 0HG UK [uk<!-- s[uk -->

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image --></td><tr><td style=

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