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Emilio Estevezの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 8ページ):

OMG!! JACKPOT! Emilio Estevez!! - 2011年10月24日
I just did the touchdown dance in the office!! Mr. Estevez is awesome!! On August 17, 2011 I mailed him four dvd covers. (Yes, I got carried away) St Elmo's Fire, Young Guns 1 & 2, and The Breakfast Club. I got all four back signed (three personalized) He also included a photo of his new movie that he wrote starring his Dad, Martin Sheen, autographed by both stars!! How cool it that?! Address used: 9465 Wilshire Blvd 6th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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Emilio Estevez success! - 2011年7月12日
i sent him an LOR, SASE & pic...he signed my pic and sent another with it...i cant remember how long ago i sent it (possibly late june or early july) and i got it today 7-12-11...used address in database - - -

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Emilio Estevez Success x3!! - 2011年7月8日
Sent LOR, SASE and two 8.5x11s to Emilio Estevez on June 17. Received both photos signed and personalized, as well as an additional booklet for his new movie "The Way" also signed and personalized. As a hockey player, this is a very exciting success from Coach Bombay! Photos: http://imageshack.us/f/705/emilioa.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/f/594/emilio1.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/f/97/emilio2.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/f/35/0708111659.jpg/ Used address in database.

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Emilio Estevez - Fantastic Success x3! - 2011年7月6日
So today.. I cant even explain how STOKED I was to receive this one back. I mean cmon.. its freakin EMILIO!! Heres the details.. Sent 6/17 - a sase, lor and 2 photos Received 7/5 - my 2 photos signed and an incredible signed promo folder he included! <img src= Promo - http://sicksgraphs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =130753133 Pic #1 - http://sicksgraphs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =130753134 Pic #2 - http://sicksgraphs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =130753135 Address used: Emilio Estevez c/o The Gersh Agency, Inc. 9465 Wilshire Blvd 6th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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Martin Sheen & Emilio Estevez Awesome Success :) - 2011年6月22日
SENT: 28 May 2011 LOR SSAE 2 x 8x10 of Martin Sheen & 8x10 of Emilio Estevez RCVD: 22 June 2011 Both my 8x10s autographed & dedicated plus an additional 8x10 of his own. He wrote me a personal note & also got Emilio to sign the photo I sent in my SSAE Martin Sheen: http://autographcollectorofoz.blogspot. ... sheen.html Emilio Estevez: http://autographcollectorofoz.blogspot. ... tevez.html Address: Used Maliubu address in database My ssae: -

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