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Emily Bluntの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Emily Blunt success. - 2015年3月8日
Yesterday marked the arrival of another milestone for me. #200! SENT - (early January 2015) LOR, SASE, 1 photo. RECIEVED - (07/03/15) compliments letter, my photo unsigned plus a pre-signed photo of emily all contained within my SASE. ADDRESS USED - Emily Blunt The Artists Partnership 101 Finsbury Pavement London EC2A 1RS UK PHOTOS - everything contained within the envelope - http://surfmypictures.com/image/8743263 ... oijfy.html pre-signed photo - http://surfmypictures.com/image/8743263 ... afj1i.html Either way, i'm happy with this success.Thank you Emily, and fanmail!

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Emily Blunt 1st success of 2013!!!!!!!!!! - 2013年1月5日
Today i got a signed photo back from Actress Emily Blunt. I sent an LOR to her asking her for a signed photo as my printer had run out of ink. I don't remember the date i sent it but it was around end of November beginning of December time. she sent me a signed photo which is a reprint but i'm still happy with it. the address i sent to was, Emily Blunt Ken McReddie Associates 101 Finsbury Pavement London EC2A 1RS UK Thanks for Reading. Sorry No Photos.

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Emily Blunt Success - 2012年4月18日
I sent Emily Blunt a letter and a little birthday gift with an UPU (Universal Postal Union) coupon February 9th, 2012 and I got a picture with autograps today April 18th. Used this database address: Emily Blunt Ken McReddie Associates 11 Connaught Place London W2 2ET UK Image: http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n564/Rinskuli/emily.jpg Envelope: http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n564/Rinskuli/emilykuori.jpg

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Emily Blunt TTM success - 2011年8月2日
Emily Blunt Ken McReddie Associates 11 Connaught Place London W2 2ET Sent: 11-17-10 Rec: 8-1-11 I sent Emily a LOR a SASE and a 8X10 picture. And yesterday I got my picture back unsigned with a note from her assistant saying she was unable to sign my picture but included a 4X6 signed photo of her. Not exactly what I wanted but am still very happy with the signed picture I got. - - -

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