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Emma Willisの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Emma Willis Success - 2013年12月18日
I sent an email to the ITV team last month and go this back in the post annoyed my postman bent it but still quite happy

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Emma Willis Autograph Success!!! - 2013年11月2日
- I emailed the ITV Team at This Morning about 5 weeks ago and today I received this in the post! I am so happy and they are are genuine signatures and differ to others previous people have had <img src= Cant wait to collect some more autographs!

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Emma Willis Success - 2013年9月14日
Sent- email 15/08/2013 Received- Signed pic today <img src= -

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Emma Willis, Matt Johnson and Stephen Mulhern - Success - 2013年6月29日
I email This Morning a couple of days ago and asked whether it was a possibly i could request for signed pictures from Emma, Matt and Stephen and today i received these 3 signed pictures. Another 3 wonderful addictions to my collection. Picture: - *No Envelope* - Chantelle Twitter: https://twitter.com/UKBieberFeverUK Website: http://chantelles-autographs.webs.com/

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Emma Willis (Big Brother bit on the side) Success!! - 2012年8月23日
Today i recieved an autograph from the lovely Emma Willis who presents Big Brothers bit on the side. Sent:Monday 13th August What:LOR and SASE Recieved:23rd August what:Signed and dedicated BB cue card in my SASE. Address used:Emma Willis C/O Bbots elstree studios shenley road borehamwood wd6 1jg time took:11 DAYS Pics: (Cue card and envelope) (Autographed side of cue card and envelope) She wrote "Hi Emma Cool name! Emma Willis"

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