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Emmerdaleの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 24ページ):

Fiona wade Emmerdale failure - 2014年12月23日
On November 23rd I sent Fiona 2 signed cast cards to sign and a sae. Today Tuesday 23rd December I received a different envelope addressed to me and inside was one of her photos returned unsigned inside. The address I used was Fiona wade Emmerdale ITV Yorkshire Studios Kirkstall Rd Leeds. LS3 1JS UK

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Jane Cox (Emmerdale) SUCCESS - 2014年12月23日
I have recently seen some fakes back from Emmerdale and I was sad as I had sent to the same people around the same time so wasn't very hopeful. But today I got my Jane Cox cast card back signed and is a genuine signature so very happy. Not sure exactly when I sent them and I used the Emmerdale address in the database.

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Richard Thorp success ( Emmerdale) - 2014年12月11日
I sent a letter and SAE to Richard as well as to 2 other cast members in one envelope by Recorded Delivery on: 22nd May 2012, and last Thursday I recieved this signed photo back, plus a note from a member of his family saying that she was going through Richards papers and found my letter, it was lovely and unexpected because since he died, i didnt think i would get anything back, really happy with this success, RIP to an incredible actor, and is very much missed. address I used was: Emmerdale Production Centre, 27, Burley Road, Leeds LS3 1JT Here is the pic: -

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Freddie Jones (Emmerdale) SUCCESS - 2014年11月25日
About one month ago I sent 6 Emmerdale cast cards off with LORs to be signed and this is #2 back he is a great actor I loved him in Heartbeat and The Royal to. Address used= Emmerdale ITV Studios Kirkstall Rd Leeds. LS3 1JS UK -

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Emmerdale cast success and failure - 2014年11月15日
I sent a letter and SAE to the Emmerdale production centre on: 14th October 2014, about one and a half weeks ago i got a card through saying i owed £1.95 on a letter and last Thursday i recieved my letter from Emmerdale, which they sent me unsigned cast cards back plus a letter saying they don t have any presigned photos, better than nothing i guess. <img src= address I used was: Emmerdale, ITV, Kirkstall Road, Leeds LS3 1JS Here are the pics: - - - - - -

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