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Enrique Iglesiasの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Enrique Iglesias SUCCESS! - 2015年4月3日
Sent: 07 March 2015 I sent SASE + 3 photos Recieved: 03 April 2015 I received all signed photos ADDRESS USSED: via private address Info: Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler - simply known as Enrique Iglesias is a Spanish singer, songwriter, actor, and record producer. Picture: Envelope:

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Enrique Iglesias Success :) - 2013年8月28日
Enrique Iglesias success!!! I sent him 2 4x6 on August 11th and received only one back today <img src= Still very happy with it <img src= Address: The collective 8383 Wilshire blvd Suite 1050 Beverly Hills CA, 90211 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures If anyone knows what zak means let me know thanks <img src=

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Enrique Iglesias (Repost) - 2011年6月6日
That was my most wanted success!! I had been dreaming to get it for ages. :razz:<!-- s:razz: --> I love Enrique so much, so i was very surprised and happy to get it. I used the private address, so dont pm me for it, please, as im not giving it out. Im posting this just to show Enriques fans that its possible to receive his autograph TTM, that Enrique sometimes responds to his fan mail. There had been a couple of successes from him  in the database before they were lost. Hope this post helps someone.  <!-- s<img src= --><img src= sent: 02/10/2011 received: 03/17/2011 photos - -

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