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Eric Banaの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Eric Bana Email Success - 2013年8月12日
i'd completely forgotten about this! sent an email to his agency about a month and a half ago (i think) and received this today! eric bana!!!!! opinions on authenticity welcome. looks good to me though

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Eric Bana email success! - 2013年6月12日
Hello! I sent an email to his management. Sent:09/4/2013 Received: 12/6/2013 - - - Thanks!

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Eric Bana RTS - 2012年11月19日
Sent LOR and pics to Eric Bana at the Lauren Bergman address about 2 months ago...Today received it all back as Return to Sender. So depressing!! Anyone know a current address for him??

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Eric Bana. 789 days. - 2012年4月2日
Mailed photograph, LOR, and 4 dollars for postage to Mr. Bana on Jan 18th 2010. Received on March 30th 2012, signed and personalized. Address Used: Lauren Bergman Management Ground Level 389 Malvern Rd South Yarra, Victoria 3141 Austrailia Having trouble with the scanner. Sorry no photo at this time.

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Eric Bana (Hulk) SUCCESS after 2 years - 2012年3月29日
sent LOR, SASE, IRCs and a photo of Eric as the Hulk on 7/9/10 to Australian address in the database received signed photo in the mail on 3/29/12 http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/1567/ebana.jpg

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