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Eric Carleの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Eric Carle (sorta) success! - 2020年1月9日
Sent an autograph request via email on Dec. 5, 2019 and received a letter on Dec. 23, 2019. I received a 5x6 photo of him and a printed autograph. On the back of the photo was typed response saying "whether you sent an email or a letter I am very happy that you like my books." Also in the envelope were 4 temporary tattoos and a book mark! I was not expecting that! So although he wasn't able to send an autograph, I was very happy with the letter! Thank you Eric Carle! P.s. I am unable to post a picture. Sorry

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Eric Carle kinda success - 2015年9月4日
Hello, I sent a LOR and a SASE and a index card to Eric Carle about 3 weeks ago using the address in the database. I got a small 5x6 photo of him with what looks like a computer printed signature. :neutral:. I guess its better than nothing. P.S. He did not use the the SASE I enclosed. If anybody has an autographed photo of Emma Watson please pm me, I really want one. For trade or free please.

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Eric Carle Success (Classic Author) - 2011年11月8日
Carle, Eric Success (16 Days) 2011/10/22 2011/11/07 P.O. Box 485 Northampton, MA 01060 USA Photos/ Video: [youtubeBqkmQS8voK4[/youtube

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