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Eric Whitacreの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Composer Eric Whitacre Success - 2015年1月17日
Eric Whitacre, American composer Mr. Whitacre is known for his numerous choral compositions ("Sleep," "Cloudburst," "Lux Arumque,") and band compositions ("October," "Ghost Train," "Godzilla Eats Las Vegas"). He has recently been notable for his use of YouTube to create Virtual Choirs. He also assisted Hans Zimmer with the score to "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides," doing the choral arrangements. I sent Mr. Whitacre two copies of the first page of the score to "October," the first work of his I ever got to play and conduct. Shortly before Christmas, I got an email from his publicist, thanking me for my letter and letting me know that he was out of the country but would sign my items when he returned. A few weeks after the new year, I received my items back, signed and personalized. One of them was to me (pictured below), and another was signed to my band students, a little surprise for them. Sent: LOR, two score copies, and SASE on December 1, 2014 Address Used: Music Productions, Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road, Iver Heath, Bucks, SLO ONH, UK Received: both scores, signed and personalized, and a with compliments card, in SASE Photo: -

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