Esther Williamsの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):
Esther Williams is FANTASTIC - 2012年4月27日 All I sent Ms Williams was a LOR,A CARD,SASE. This is what she sent back, what a fantastic star she still is, and it was back in less than a week. All I can say is WOW.
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Esther Williams Success - 4 1/2 years later! - 2012年3月4日 On August 7, 2007
I mailed 2 photographs to MGM Star and swimmer Esther Williams to:
9377 Readcrest Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Received 3-3-2012
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Esther Williams Success! - 2011年11月27日 Sent Letter, 2 8x10 photos, SASE on: October 14, 2011
Received: Between November 19-26, 2011 -- I was out of town
Used address in the database
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Esther Williams - Success - 2011年10月13日 Sent: 9th August 2011
Received: 13th October 2011
Sent letter, photo, SAE and $2 to Esther Williams. Received my photo back signed
Address used:
Esther Williams Fan Club
8581 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 85
Los Angeles
CA 90069
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LEGENDARY ESTHER WILLIAMS (x 2) Fast Success!! - 2011年9月28日 On September 15, 2011, after seeing another fans post of Esther Williams success (and honestly not knowing she was still alive), I sent LOR, SASE, and 2 8 1/2x11 photos to the database address:
Esther Williams
Esther Williams Fan Club
8581 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 85
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Today, September 28, 2011, I received both photos back personalized and sweetly inscribed. I have been a fan of her films since I was a teenager so I am so grateful to the original post-er of their own Esther Williams success.
Here are the pictures and the envelope: ... lliams.jpg ... liams2.jpg ... amsenv.jpg | |
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