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Ethan Embryの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ethan Embry! TTM Success - 2016年5月19日
So yeah. This TTM-Success kinda made me go "Holy Montana!" when I opened up my return envelope. Being a huge fan of The Walking Dead, I had to try my luck with sending a letter to Ethan Embry. I love Ethan's work as an actor and I admire his talents. So I sent him two 4x6 photos as well as a letter and my return envelope. Using the address in the database, I sent this out about 3-4 week ago. I got the return envelope back today? And... Inside were my 4x6 photos, both signed, and Ethan wrote a nice note on the back of one of them. I'm in like...shock. I would have guessed that Ethan would be a more difficult person to achieve through the mail. Apparently not! The pictures are down below and as always? Enjoy. http://surfmypictures.com/image/21a390c ... p8r6x.html

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Ethan Embry Success! - 2014年7月5日
Used (No Longer Have Envelope, Postmarked CA) Ethan Embry Agency for the Performing Arts L.A. 405 S Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212-4425 USA Sent 02/10/2014 Received 04/12/2014

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