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Eugene Cernanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Eugene Cernan Gemini/Apollo Astronaut Failure - 2015年12月14日
After seeing a recent post regarding a TTM success with Gene Cernan I figure I would give it a shot. I sent a letter, postage paid envelope and (1) photo to Mr. Cernan. After 3 weeks, received my photo back unsigned with a typed letter from Mr. Cernan stating that he charges $300 per signature and to make checks payable to the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation. He also stated that his signature is in such high demand and basically the $300 is the going rate "Online" for his signature, so he has no choice but to charge for his signature. Used the address in the database.

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Eugene Cernan success - 2014年7月6日
Sent a LOR, a copy of his autobiography The Last Man on the Moon and a SASE on 6/13/2014 Received book signed and personalized on 7/5/2014 Address used (from database): Eugene Cernan P.O. Box 19809 Houston, TX 77224-4809 -

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Eugene Cernan Success - 2014年5月17日
I sent a copy of his book, 2 pics and a LOR on 5/6/14 and today, 5/17/14, received all back, signed and personalized. -

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