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Eugene F. Kranzの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 5ページ):

Successful authograph by Eugene F. Kranz - 2018年2月2日
On December I successfully got an autograph from Eugene F. Kranz. As I'm out of USA, I sent a UPS package with the return prepaid, Address: 1108 Shady Oak Ln Dickinson, TX 77539 USA. The package I sent contained a letter for him and, a hardcover copy of his book and two pictures. I got back the 3 items signed. Link to picture: http://surfmypictures.com/image/c81cfc4c11add72f/lybbp.html

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SUCCESS Autograph of Eugene F. Kranz - 2016年9月8日
yesterday i got a nice autograph from Mr. Eugene Kranz. he is a former flight director of the NASA. this is the image of the autograph: here you can find an info about this man: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Kranz he signed a presigned image. the photo is signed by the dead moonwalker Edgar Mitchell. i used the address from the database. Eugene F. Kranz 1108 Shady Oak Ln Dickinson, TX 77539 USA sent: 17.8.2016 received: 7.9.2016

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Mr. Eugene F. Kranz - 2016年7月10日
Sent: 30.01.2016 Received: 09.07.2016 Address: Mr. Eugene F. Kranz 1108 Shady Oak Ln Dickinson, TX 77539 USA Sry no envelope. Thanks Mr. Kranz and Fanmail.biz <img src=

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Eugene F. Kranz SUCCESS - 2015年10月2日
Took about a month to get back. sent three pictures and got them all signed! addressed used: Eugene F. Kranz 1108 Shady Oak Ln Dickinson, TX 77539 USA

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Eugene F. Kranz success - 2015年2月2日
sent letter 2 pictures and sase on 12-29-14. both returned signed plus a paper about the foundations of mission controll signed to my daughter on 2-2-15. used his home address in Dickinson Texas you can see all my autographs follow me on Twitter at cavewv -

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