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Ewa Swobodaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ewa Swoboda - success - 2016年11月20日
Sent: 20.07.2016 Received: 17.11.2016 Ewa Swoboda UKS Czwórka Zory Gimnazjum nr 4 Os.Ksiecia Wladyslawa 44-240 Zory Poland http://grafkamil.blogspot.com/2016/11/1 ... kadka.html

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EWA SWOBODA - success - 2016年4月27日
Date Send: 21/03/2016 Date Received: 22/04/2016 Sent : 3 Photos + Letter + envelope return Received : 3 my photo signed & personlized with my envelope return EWA SWOBODA UKS Czwórka ?ory Gimnazjum nr 4, Os.Ks.W?adyslawa, 44-240 ?ory Ewa Nikola Swoboda (born 26 July 1997)[1 is a Polish track and field sprinter who competes in the short sprints. She holds the world junior record of 7.07 seconds in the 60 metres. She was a 100 metres finalist at the World Youth Championships in Athletics, World Junior Championships in Athletics and Summer Youth Olympics. She was a 60 m finalist in her senior debut at the 2015 European Athletics Indoor Championships.

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