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Fats Dominoの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 5ページ):

Fats Domino Success - 2017年10月12日
Received my photo signed by legendary singer-songwriter, Fats Domino. Great success! Sent: 3/31/17 Received: 10/7/17 Sent to address listed in the database: Mr. Fats Domino PO Box 1610 Marrero, LA 70073 http://surfmypictures.com/image/86ecc9d ... 5xazz.html

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Fats Domino SUCCESS!! - 2015年10月6日
<img src= very fast response. Only sent photos without SASE. Sent out in mail on 9-10-2015 Received in mail on 9-22-2015. Fats Domino P.O. Box 1610 Marrero, LA 70073 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Fats Domino Success - 2015年8月23日
On August 3, 2015 I sent a LOR, SASE & (3) 4 x 6 photos to: Fats Domino 9 Wedgewood Ct. Harvey, LA 70058-7473 Today (August 22, 2015) I received my photos back, signed. Each signature is a little different and 2 are smudged, look like they might have been signed by a weak marker, then he got a better one and traced over it. The third one looks good. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Fats Domino - 2015年8月12日
Sent to Fats Domino about 6 weeks ago. On Monday I got the picture back signed but I think it might not be real, I don't know what you call it a stamp or auto pen? You can't see too well in picture, but the signature looks sort of ...well not real, but I hope it is. Used address on site.

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Fats Domino success - 2015年7月13日
Sent letter picture and blank autograph card and SASE on 4-27-15. Both returned signed 7-13-15. Address used: P.o. Box 1610 Marrero, LA 70073

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