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Fergieの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Fergie Jenkins - 2011年11月11日
addy in database [youtubeYHHIAfe9T8s[/youtube

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Fergie Jenkins Success!! - 2011年9月16日
Sent ROMLB to FERGIE JENKINS ,FERGIE JENKINS FOUND PO BOX 664 LEWISTON, NY 14092-0664 on 5/30/11 received it signed with 3 Inscriptions on 07/18/11. No Slip but this is the best I can do from the usps.com website Your item was delivered at 11:17 am on July 18, 2011 in TAMPA, FL 33605.

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Fergie Jenkins success!!! - 2011年8月22日
I sent Mr. Jenkins a baseball card, $10, a LOR and a SASE. Recieved card today signed in blue sharpie. He included a price list stating that he charges $25 dollars, but he still signed my card. A great autograph to add to my Hall of Fame collection. Sent: 7/25/11 Recieved: 8/22/11 Address: Mr. Ferguson Jenkins PMB# 430 3655 W. Anthem Way Suita A109 Anthem, AZ 85086 Also, if anybody is willing to trade a Roberto Alomar auto just pm me and maybe we can work out a trade

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Ferguson "Fergie" Jenkins Success (Fergie Jenkins) - 2011年5月26日
Hello, On 5-17 I sent a HOF postcard and $25 check to Fergie Jenkins and today, 5-26-11 I received it back signed! He also added HOF 91 without my asking so that was a nice surprise. Ferguson "Fergie" Jenkins PMB #430 3655 W. Anthem Way, Suite A-109 Anthem, AZ 85086

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