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Flynnの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 5ページ):

Neil Flynn (SCRUBS) SUCCESS!! - 2012年1月28日
Flynn, Neil Success (40 Days) //www.fanmail.biz/mboard/images/smilies/ugotmail.gif"> 2011/12/19 2012/01/28 c/o 'The Middle' Warner Bros. Studios 4000 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 90068 USA >> 3/3 Signed [youtubeEeZQCFW7fzY[/youtube

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"The Middle" Double Success: Neil Flynn and Atticus Shaffer! - 2011年11月1日
Happy Halloween to me! What a great success, I'm going to be grinning about this all week... On October 15, 2011, I wrote to Neil Flynn and Atticus Shaffer, who play Mike and Brick Heck on "The Middle." (I also wrote to Charlie McDermott, who plays Axl, but I'm still waiting to hear from him.) They were separate letters, but sent at the same time. I sent each a LOR and a SASE. On October 31, 2011, I got a wonderful signed and personalized photo from each of them, along with a letter from each answering some of the questions I asked in their letters, in my SASEs. So excited, and so flattered that they would take the time from their lives to write to me! Atticus Shaffer Photo: Neil Flynn Photo: Address Used: "The Middle" The Warner Brothers Ranch 411 N. Hollywood Way Bldg. 29R Burbank, CA 91505 This is the first time I've ever received two replies on the same day. Thanks to these two amazing actors for such great responses! These are truly two of my greatest successes. And if you're not watching "The Middle," you really should, it's a hilarious show!

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Neil Flynn (Scrubs) success! - 2011年10月12日
Hi, I sent a LOR, SASE, 2 photos and a indexcard to mr. Neil Flynn who is the janitor in Scrubs date sent: 2011-09-10 Got Back: 2011-10-12 my photos signed and personlised adress I used: Neil Flynn "The Middle" The Warner Brothers Ranch 411 N. Hollywood Way Bldg. 29R Burbank, CA 91505 USA photo and envelope: photo: Thanks Fanmail and mr.Flynn

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Neil Flynn(The Middle) Success - 2011年9月8日
Sent LOR, SASE and photo to The Middle address in database on 8-20-11. Received back signed 9-07-11. Neil Flynn "The Middle" The Warner Brothers Ranch 411 N. Hollywood Way Bldg. 29R Burbank, CA 91505 USA Photo: Envelope:

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Neil Flynn (Scrubs, The Middle) Q&A Success!! - 2011年8月17日
I sent a letter, SASE, and Q&A to Neil in February or so. Finally got them back a few days ago, Q&A filled out, as well as a signed personalized photo sent by Neil! Thrilled to add this to my collection, as Neil was always my favorite part of Scrubs other than John McGinley.

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