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Francis Ford Coppolaの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 6ページ):

Francis Ford Coppola - mega fast success! - 2013年8月17日
Just sent on 8/6/13 - SASE, LOR & sketch to: Francis Ford Coppola Francis Ford Coppola Presents, Llc 620 Airpark Road Napa, CA 9455 Received on 8/17/13: Signed & personalized picture in envelope - - Cant describe how cool this is to get this back from one of my favorite directors of all time. Didnt have to wait long at all! Thanks Fanmail.biz! <img src=

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Francis Ford Coppola (my first international success) - 2013年7月23日
im hooked on this autograph collecting thing now! last month a sent a letter, envelope, 5 dollars return postage and a couple of pictures from my apocalypse now redux edition to the address on the database. today i received all 3 signed and dedicated in my envelope! i was actually very lucky because the envelope was very wet for some reason, but all 3 postcards were fine. envelope (and my foot) - all 3 - close up of one of the autographs - BUUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers to mr coppola and to fanmail.biz for helping you lot have got me hooked on autograph collecting now. i hope youre proud of yourselves!

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Francis Ford Coppola - TTM - 2013年7月20日
Sent to primary address in database: Francis Ford Coppola Presents, Llc 620 Airpark Road Napa, CA 94558 USA Sent: June 27, 2013 Received: July 20, 2013 Total of 24 Days Sent a LOR, a SASE and two 4x6 photos. Received both my photos back signed and personalized. He did not put a return address on the envelope, however I assume it would be the same as the primary address in the database. -

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Francis Ford Coppola success !!! - 2013年6月27日
Ive sent 3 pictures to Francis Ford Coppola using the address in the database on May,31 2013. Ive received the 3 pictures signed !!! - - - - Francis Ford Coppola Francis Ford Coppola Presents, Llc 620 Airpark Road Napa, CA 94558 USA Thanks Fanmail and M. Coppola

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Francis Ford Coppola success :) - 2013年4月30日
sent: 3 photos, letter, sase. when: 10.04.2013 recived: all my photos signed and personalised. when: 30.04.2013 address from the data base Photos -> http://autografygwiazd.blogspot.com/2013/04/francis-ford-coppola.html and on my fanpage -> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Autografy-Karoliny/427884490586919?ref=tn_tnmn - - - I will be happy about every comment <img src= Thanks!

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