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Francois Chauの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Francois Chau Success! [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Lost] 🐢🏝? - 2024年11月11日
[youtubegtHQm5MGEYc[/youtube So thrilled to get a fan mail response from Francois Chau, known for his roles in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Lost! Address Used: 2335 Lake Shore Ave Los Angeles, CA 90039 You can see where I opened Francois's letter here:

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Francois Chau Success!!! - 2014年2月22日
I am excited about this success. In March of 2013, I wrote a letter to Francois Chau (Actor: "Shredder" from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, Stargate SG1, 24, ER, G.I. Joe) I sent a L.O.R. and a S.A.S.E. using the address listed in the database. Finally Today 2/21/14 I received a personalized autographed photo from Mr. Francois Chau. It took a year but well worth the wait. Mr. Chau is a very talented actor and has been in many many wonderful movies and T.V. shows! Check it out here!

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Francois Chau success - 2012年3月15日
Sent: october 25th Received: march 15th - Adress: Francois Chau 2335 Lake Shore Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90039 USA I just requested a signed pic I really loved Lost, thanks Mr. Chau! <img src=

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Francois Chau email SUCCESS - 2012年2月14日
Sent: I sent e mail to Francois Chau on 25 October 2011 Address ussed: { Email Address } Received: 14 February 2012 Signed photo with dedication photo+envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/857/p1000342v.jpg/ on envelope was address: Francois Chau 2335 Lake Shore Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90039 All coments are welcome

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Francois Chau - E-mail Success - 2011年10月25日
Sent: 5th May 2011 Received: 25th October 2011 Sent e-mail to Francois Chau who played Dr. Chang in Lost. Received a signed photo Address used: { Email Address } - -

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