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Franz Beckenbauerの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Franz Beckenbauer success - 2016年1月6日
Sent one 8x10 photo, LOR, SAE and money for postage to Franz Beckenbauer. Received my photo back signed. I used address from database. Sent - October 2015 Received - 6th January 2016 Address: Franz Beckenbauer Marcus Höfl Management GmbH Schwarzseestraße 14 6370 Kitzbühel Austria

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Franz Beckenbauer - 2015年12月22日
Franz Beckenbauer September 27, 2015 Another success from Beckenbauer for the second time. One of the world best defenders. I have sent him a SAE, LOR, 3 photos, and a white hard paper. A great success, without a dedication this time tongue emoticon. I waited almost 3 months for this success. Via: Mail Waited Time: 2 months a 22 days Received: 27.09.15 Sent: 05.06.15 Dedication: No Sent: a SAE with 3 photos, a white card and a LOR Picture: http://surfmypictures.com/image/2334039 ... jmn59.html or http://philongautographs.wix.com/autogr ... a7fe2343f7

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Franz Beckenbauer Success! - 2015年6月23日
Address: Marcus Höfl Management GmbH Schwarzseestraße 14 6370 Kitzbühel Austria Sent: May 2015 Received: June 2015 Sadly, I do not have envelope. Admin, don't put in other sections please! Link to photo -

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Franz Beckenbauer - 2015年6月4日
Wold Cup champion, German legend. Mr Franz Beckenbauers autograph. I waited around 2 months for this autograph. I sent only a LOR to him, without any pictures i didnt expect it to come back. He also gave me a dedication. Amazing success for me. Via: Mail Waited time:2 months Received: 03.06.15 Sent: around April Dedication: Yes Sent: SAE with a LOR picture: or https://www.facebook.com/PhiLongsAutogr ... =1&theater address in the databse

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Franz Beckenbauer (Football Legend) - 2014年12月29日
Hi, I got an autograph football legend Franz Beckenbauer <img src= It is one of the best players in history I sent a letter and three photos In response, I received your photo and card Beckenbauer <img src= ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I wrote the following address: Franz Beckenbauer Marcus Hofle Management GmbH Schwarzseestrasse 14 6370 Kitzbühel Austria ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Picture: http://sportowe-souvenirs.blogspot.com/ ... bauer.html ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to my blog: http://sportowe-souvenirs.blogspot.com/ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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