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Fred Dinenageの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Fred Dinenage / Successful - 2023年3月16日
Sent an email to Fred Dinenage from HOW on 12/03/2023 and received it on 16/03/2023 Email used: itvnewsmeridian at itv.com

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Fred Dinenage (How!) Success - 2014年7月5日
Fred Dinenage (b. 1936) is a veteran British television presenter. A native of Birmingham, he is best known for his work as a presenter with Southern Television, where he had worked from it's inception until it's closedown in 1981. He is perhaps best known as one of the four hosts of the highly popular children's programme, How!. Today, he hosts a regional news programme on ITV Meridian. At 78, he is the second oldest and longest serving television presenter in Britain. (The honour of being the oldest and longest serving UK television presenter is currently held by Shaw Taylor, who, at 94, is still working in TV and is seen regularly on Channel 5.) Sent 1 LOR, SASE and 1 photo to Mr. Dinenage on 11/06/2014. On 30/06/2014, I received my photo signed, plus an additional 4x6 photo, also signed. Address used was: Fred Dinenage c/o ITV News Meridian Fusion 3 1200 Parkway Whiteley Hampshire, PO15 7AD England Sorry no scanner.

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