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Freddie Highmoreの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 8ページ):

Freddie Highmore Success!! - 2012年4月8日
Hey all I recently received my autographed photo of Freddie! I am a US resident and did not include any international postage just a letter there and they sent back a small picture using their own envelope! Pic - Pic and Envelope - Im pretty sure its a genuine signing because Ive compared his signatures in other pics and there are distinguishable differences and sometimes the signings are in different spots on the picture

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freddie highmore - 2011年10月27日
today i receved my second succes from freddy highmore i send a lor and a sase and two pics on 10-10-2011 and today i get back one picture with auto on 27-10-2011 the 2 pics i send are lost i think or he kept it on him self i send it to the adres i used in the database photo http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/3193 ... 26vrhz.jpg photo with envelop http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/3661 ... 96s3zb.jpg

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Freddie Highmore success - 2011年10月25日
Sent: SASE, letter, 4 photos 11.10.2011 Received: other 2 photos signed (my 4 photos received unsigned) 20.10.2011 - - envelope: - address used: Freddie Highmore ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK

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Very fast Freddie Highmore Success - 2011年9月26日
SENT: 9/19/2011 LOR, SASE, index card and 2 photos RECIEVED:9/26/2011 Signed photo Freddie Highmore ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK http://i55.tinypic.com/x60ep3.jpg This is my 2nd success from him, hes an great actor! I am pretty disappointed though that he didnt get to sign the stuff i sent. <img src= But he probably wasnt around to sign, so who knows, maybe hell send me back with my things. <img src=

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Freddie Highmore Success!!! :) - 2011年9月18日
Autograph from Freddie was my first! Freddie Highmore is great actor, I saw him in lots of my favourite movies. <img src= I sent him LOR, SAE, 1 pound and 2 photos on 11/01/2011 and received back my 2 photos signed and ona with dedication 31/01/2011. Address I used: Freddie Highmore ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK Photos: http://autogramy-sabi.blog.cz/1101/adre ... e-highmore - - <img src=

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