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Garrison Keillorの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Garrison Keillor Author and Humorist - 2016年5月31日
Gary Edward "Garrison" Keillor (born August 7, 1942) is an American author, storyteller, humorist, and radio personality. He is known as host of the Minnesota Public Radio show A Prairie Home Companion (called Garrison Keillor's Radio Show in some international syndication). Keillor created the fictional Minnesota town Lake Wobegon, the setting of many of his books, including Lake Wobegon Days and Leaving Home: A Collection of Lake Wobegon Stories. Other creations include Guy Noir, whom Keillor also voices, a detective who appears in A Prairie Home Companion. Sent him a book to sign for a friend of mine on 6 May and got it back signed 31 May.. Garrison Keillor Prairie Home Productions, Llc. 611 Frontenac Pl Saint Paul MN 55104-4947

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Garrison Keillor success - 2015年9月22日
I wrote to Garrison Keillor on 8 Sep 2015 at: Prairie Home Productions, Llc. 611 Frontenac Pl Saint Paul MN 55104-4947 I sent a 3X5 card, 8X10 photo and a SASE On 21 Sep 2015 I received my 8X10 picture signed. Sorry still using dial-up so I cannot upload a scan.

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Garrison Keillor- A Prairie Home Companion- TTM Success!!! - 2012年9月11日
Hi Everyone! On 9 August 2012 I sent a fan LOR & SASE to Garrison Keillor, radio host of NPRs "A Prairie Home Companion", author & actor, and on 10 September 12 I received a terrific personally inscribed photo! Heres the address I used; Garrison Keillor c/o Prairie Home Companion 611 Frontenac Place Saint Paul MN 55704 envelope: http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb4 ... 160715.jpg photo: http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb4 ... 160739.jpg

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Garrison Keillor success - 2011年10月27日
Radio personality and author Garrison Keillor was at the National Book Festival in DC in September 2011. He stayed well past an hour to sign books and posters as I waited in line almost an hour and a half before getting him to sign a poster. Here are links to images His address to send requests by mail is: Garrison Keillor Prairie Home Productions, Llc. 611 Frontenac Pl Saint Paul MN 55104-4947 USA

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