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Gary Playerの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

@^_^@ Gary Player Success! - 2012年4月26日
Hi guys.  I got a success from Mr.Player today. I sent a LOR, an 8x10 photo, and SASE to Mr.Player on Feb 6th, 2012 to the address in the database. I received it back signed and personalized on Apr 26th, 2012. He did not use my SASE, but his own envelope.  Thanks for checking this thread. Thank you Mr.Player. I really appreciate.

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Gary Player (HOF Golfer) - 2011年9月1日
Sent this great Hall of Fame Golfer an 8 by 10 back on 3-4-11 and recieved it back on 5-11-11. I also recieved a letter from Jonelle Jaimes, she must be his agent or something, stating that "...this request fulfills the maximum number of autographed items I may recieve." I guess his autograph policy is that people can only 1 autographed item request per household. Anyway, here's the address I used: Gary Player Group 635 Garden Market Dr Travelers Rest, SC 29690-7111 USA

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Gary Player Success - 2011年6月2日
I sent an email http://www.garyplayer.com/ to the most successful international golfer in history on 3/18/2011 and received a very large, colored and personalized photo on anywhere between 5/26/2011 to 5/31/2011 (I was out of town, so I cannot be sure). My third golf success - I also have Arnold Palmer and Greg Norman. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... =1&theater

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