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Gaylen Rossの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Gaylen Ross (Dawn of the Dead) - 2016年1月7日
Gaylen Ross is best known as Fran in the epic Romero zombie film Dawn of the Dead and is now a Director. Gaylen was recently running a crow-funding page to raise money for her up-coming new film. For a $10 donation you got a signed DOTD pic. As a huge fan of the zombie genre (and as Gaylen no longer does TTM and is not coming to the UK any time soon for conventions), I donated around 5 months ago. Received signed pic yesterday (06/01). There is no envelope as it was sent as a postcard so the back is just the back of the pic with my address on (and a message from Gaylen which I don't want to share on here). Link to image on my website:

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Gaylen Ross RTS - 2015年6月1日
Address used in database for Dawn of the Dead star Gaylen Ross came back RTS unable to forward. Roe Management P.O. Box 2023 Fairfield, IA 52556

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