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Gemma Oatenの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Gemma Oaten success ( Emmerdale) - 2013年3月17日
I sent a new cast card, letter and SAE to Gemma as well as 12 others in one envelope on: 7th March 2013, and on saturday I recieved the cast card by signed and personalized by Gemma. <img src= address i used was: Emmerdale Production Centre, 27, Burley Road, Leeds LS3 1JT Here is the pic: -

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Gemma Oaten-Emmerdale Success - 2013年2月7日
Date sent:21/1/2013 What was sent:letter,2 sml photos and self s.a.e Date rec:23/1/2013 What was rec:my photos signed & emmerdale photocard as requested in my s.a.e Address used:emmerdale,emmerdale production centre,27 burley rd,Leeds LS3 1JT a very quick great result <img src= picture: -

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Gemma Oaten Confirmation and thanks ( Emmerdale) - 2012年12月13日
I sent a christmas present, christmas card for Gemma, and christmas card for her to sign for me if possible on: 10th December 2012, and today I recieved my Christmas card back signed, and she also wrote inside thanking me for the present. <img src= address I used was: Gemma Oaten, c/o Emmerdale Production Centre, 27, Burley Road, Leeds LS3 1JT Here are the pics: - -

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Gemma Oaten success plus surprise - 2012年8月21日
I sent a photo of both Gemma Oaten and Chris Bisson to Gemma, with SAE, sent along with 3 other letters in one big envelope i sent them on: 13th August 2012, in the letter I asked if if possible could she also ask Chris Bisson to sign it too, I wasnt expecting her to get Chris to sign it too, but too my amazement, it came back and Chris signed it too. <img src= address I used was: Gemma Oaten, c/o Emmerdale Production Centre, 27, Burley Road, Leeds LS3 1JT Here is the pic: -

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Gemma Oaten success (Emmerdale) - 2012年8月18日
I sent a photo, letter and SAE to Gemma on: 13th August 2012, along with 3 others in one big envelope, and today I recieved my photo back signed and personalized. <img src= address I used was: Gemma Oaten, c/o Emmerdale Production Centre, 27, Burley Road, Leeds LS3 1JT Here is the pic: -

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