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Gene Okerlundの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

"Mean" Gene Okerlund Success! - 2017年10月11日
I sent a picture in a SASE to Gene (Gene Okerlund 49 Osprey Point Dr Osprey, FL 34229 USA) on 9/18/17 and received it back on 10/9/17. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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WWE/WCW Interviewer 'Mean' Gene Okerlund - 2016年4月29日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and CIC to : Mr. Gene Okerlund 49 Osprey Point Drive Osprey, FL 34229 Sent : 4/11/16 Received : 4/29/16 http://surfmypictures.com/image/15e67ab ... p04ps.html

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Gene Okerlund success - 2015年6月15日
Sent a letter, 2 photos & a SASE on May 21st to: Gene Okerlund 49 Osprey Point Dr Osprey, FL 34229 USA Received both photos signed & personalized on June 15th.

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Gene Okerlund Success - 2013年12月5日
Today, I was thrilled to get an autographed photo of perhaps the most famous professional wrestling interviewer of all time, "Mean" Gene Okerlund. It seemed whenever you watched wrestling back in the 1980s and 1990s, whether it was when he was in AWA, WWF or WCW, you always saw him. Sent Out: Letter, SASE, Cardboard, Photo Got Back: Photo signed with a silver Sharpie along with my cardboard in my SASE Date Sent Out: November 13, 2013 Date Got Back: December 5, 2013 (took 3 weeks or 22 days) Address Used: Gene Okerlund 49 Osprey Point Drive Osprey, FL 34229 -

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"Mean" Gene Okerlund success - 2012年1月17日
Sent this former AWA/WWE/WCW announcer a letter of request back on 12-7-11 and got it back on 12-16-11. Here's the addy I used: Gene Okerlund 49 Osprey Point Dr Osprey, FL 34229

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