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Gentlemanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

NASCAR HOF "Gentleman" Ned Jarrett Success - 2023年6月19日
Sent a LOR, a SASE, & 3 cards ('94 Select In The Blood, '18 Donruss Legends Gold Foil Parallel 034/499, 1x NASCAR AC). All 3 cards were signed. Next I'll be sending off to his son Dale Jarrett. Sent: 06/05/23 Received: 06/17/23 Ned Jarrett 3182 9th Tee Drive Newton, NC 28658 Uploaded with

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Gentleman - success - 2014年6月16日
Address: Gentleman Kingstone “Gentleman” Vogelsanger Str. 286 50825 Köln Germany 02.05.2014 - 16.06.2014 2 photos personalized and signed Photos: Please my facebook page

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Remy "The Flying Gentleman" Bonjasky success (Remy Bonjasky) - 2012年3月22日
see the autographed photos here: sent a LOR SASE and 4 photos, took about a month. used the new gym address interesting: he did not bother to close the envelope but I guess everybody is so afraid of his flying kicks and knee attacks that nobody had the guts to steal from an envelope sent by the 3 times world champ in K-1 just kiddin'

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Gentleman personalised very quick success! (German singer) - 2012年3月20日
Hes a great german singer! <img src= <img src= This is one of my fastest replies ever!! <img src= <img src= Address used: Gentleman Bushhouse Booking GmbH Leyendeckerstraße 6a 50825 Köln Germany Sent: 20th December 2011, LOR, SASE Received: 23th December 2011 - Sparkly ?

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Michael Palin Success!!!
Roger Penske Successfully
Gerrit W. Gong (Lds Church Apostle) Success!
Kevin Miller Nhl Success
Hi Everyone!
Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
Nfl Brandon Peters Fail / Rts
Jessy Schram Vv Success
Tommy Chong Actor Success
Eric Brewer Nhl Success (Prince George Cougars)



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