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George Foremanの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):

George Foreman BOXING success ! - 2014年8月31日
very happy received yesterday George Foreman world hevyweight champ from the 70's I sent an LOR and an SASE and 2 photo the 4 july 2013 received the 30 august 2014 my 2 photo signed <img src= George Foreman P.O.Box 1405 Huffman, Texas 77336 thank to this champ

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George Foreman Success!!! - 2014年6月3日
I had actually written this off as a failure, but.....surprise in my mail box. Back in September 2013, I sent an 8x10, LOR, and SASE to 2-time World Heavyweight Boxing Champion and grill master, George Foreman. On June 3, 2014, I received my photo back signed and personalized by the big man himself. Thanks George! Address: George Foreman P.O. Box 1405 Huffman, Texas 77336 -

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George Foreman Success PS - 2012年10月25日
After trying multiple times sending LOR's, I emailed George Foreman in July and he responded right away. He told me to send a SASE to his address and I did immediately. After many failures and attempts, today I received a signed photo from boxing legend George Foreman. Also the King of the Lean, Mean, Grilling Machine. George Foreman P.O. Box 1405 Huffman, TX 77336 USA

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George Foreman Brilliant Success! - 2012年7月3日
I am really pleased with this one, this is my best result so far. I sent George Foreman an email on the 29th March 2012 asking about a signed photo, and an hour later he replied asking me to send an SASE to: George Foreman P.O.Box 1405 Huffman, Texas 77336 On 7/4/12 I sent an LOR and an SASE and today I received a signed and personalized 10x8 photo in my SASE. Photo: - Thanks Mr Foreman!! <img src=

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George Foreman Second Try SUCCESS!! - 2012年6月21日
Sent 2 Photos, LOR and SASE On 4/10/12. Recieved 2 Photos signed (one personalized) today 6/20/12! Address I used: George Foreman P.O. Box 1405 Huffman, TX 77347 Photo 1 - Photo 2 - Envelope -

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