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George Martinの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 6ページ):

George Martin Success! - 2015年6月23日
Address: AIR Studios Lyndhurst Hall Lyndhurst Road Hampstead London NW3 5NG Sent: May 2015 Received: June 2015 Sadly, I do not have envelope. Admin, don't put in other sections please! Link to photo -

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Sir George Martin Success - 2015年2月20日
Sent Letter, Picture and SASE to Sir George around the beginning of Feb, took about 2.5 weeks to arrive. Really pleased with this, awesome guy! Link to received pic on my site: Link to envelope: Used address: AIR Studios Lyndhurst Hall Lyndhurst Road Hampstead London NW3 5NG

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George Martin Success! - 2015年2月19日
George Martin (TTM) Address: c/o AIR Studios (address on database) Wait: 2 weeks Sent: 05.02.2015 Received: 19.02.2015

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Sir George Martin success (Beatles producer) - 2015年1月29日
Photo: I sent a request to Sir George Martin's house some weeks ago and today I received two signed photos. George Martin AIR Studios Lyndhurst Hall Lyndhurst Road Hampstead London NW3 5NG UK Contact me: http://www.facebook.com/leonsautographs

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Sir George Martin 5th Beatle success - 2014年12月8日
Sent nice letter one picture and SASE on 10-27-14. Picture returned signed and personalized 12-8-14. Sent it to AIR studios in London. Super happy about this one. Its my first UK success plus Im a huge huge Beatles fan and sir martin helped make all that great music you can see all my autographs follow me on twitter at cavewv -

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