George R.R. Martinの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 11ページ):
George R.R. Martin - 2014年7月5日 Today i received this signed pic from him! I sent a SAE and a pic to the address in database in May 25th.
Im a big fan of his books |
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Insanely quick George R.R. Martin email success!! - 2014年6月11日 Sent Mr Martin an email at grrmbooks at on June 6th at 2:53am requesting information on how to obtain a signed bookplate. Monday, June 9th I found this in my mailbox:
Uploaded with ###://
My address is in my signature on my email. 3 day turnaround!! Im blown away! | |
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George R.R. Martin email success! - 2014年5月6日 My very first success! Wrote to grrm [at on 12 April 2014 and received today on 6 May 2014. Its not personalized (although I requested for it) but Im grateful that he even responded, considering Im not from the US and I had only sent an email. Huge fan of the books so Im super happy
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George R.R. Martin SUCCESS! - 2014年3月18日 Sent him a letter, photo, and self-addressed stamped envelope on February 7th, 2014, and got it back on March 18th, 2014!
I used the address in the database:
George R.R. Martin
Fevre River Packet Co, Inc.
102 San Salvador Ln
Santa Fe, NM 87501
But the return address sticker he put on the letter had 103 San Salvador Ln.
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George R.R. Martin Success! - 2014年3月14日 Sent: a LoR, SaSE, and two index Cards to the database address on 1/31/14
Received: Two business card sized signed bookplates today, 3/14/14
Total Time: ~44 days
Very lovely success from one of my favorite authors! There are a lot of variances in the signatures so I think they are authentic, and after snooping around I believe that it is so.
Picture of the Bookplates (No envelope):
Uploaded with ###://
Happy hunting!
-Chicago | |
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