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George Rainsfordの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

George Rainsford (Casualty) Success! - 2016年8月27日
Hello, I sent a LOR and an SASE to George Rainsford (Ethan) via the Casualty address and recieved a signed cast card after 5 months. [iSent:[/i 29/3/2016 [iReceived:[/i 26/8/2016 [iAddress Used:[/i George Rainsford BBC Wales Casualty Production Office Fan Requests Dept Roath Lock Studios Cardiff Bay CF10 4GA Thank you!

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George Rainsford (Casualty) Success! - 2016年6月16日
Sent letter to fanmail address in database and received a signed cast card today

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George Rainsford (Casualty) Success! - 2016年4月21日
Hello! Just over a week since I received my first Casualty autograph success (Charles Dale), I received a second success today from George Rainsford, who plays Ethan Hardy in the show. I haven't seen any previous successes for him on here but decided to send to him regardless and it certainly paid off! [iSent: [/i13th April [iReceived:[/i 21st April [iAddress Used: [/i George Rainsford United Agents Ltd. 12-26 Lexington Street London, W1F 0LE UK So happy with this! He even wrote 'PHOTO- DON'T BEND' on both the front and the back of the envelope too which I thought was really kind of him Jess.

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Where To Send Something To Get Signed
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