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Gerard Butlerの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 5ページ):

Gerard Butler Success - 2013年12月28日
Sent 13.08.2013 Gerard Butler Alan Siegel Entertainment 345 North Maple Drive Suite 376 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA [us<!-- s[us --> 

 Received 28.12.2013

<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image -->
<!-- Image --> - <!-- Image --></td><tr><td style=

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Gerard Butler autopen success! - 2013年12月16日
On 26th August 2013 I wrote to Gerard at the address in the db. I sent an LOR, SAE with American stamps and 2 photos. Today (Dec 16 2013) I received both photos back, one signed with what looks like his autopen. -

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Gerard Butler success - 2013年7月29日
Sent: Jun. 14. 13 Received: July. 27. 13 Sent LOR, photo and sase. Received photo back signed. Used address in database. Alan Siegel Entertainment 345 North Maple Drive Suite 376 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA - -

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Gerard Butler Success ;) - 2013年4月30日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 1 photo on 19 December 2013 Received: my photo in my envelope on 30 April 2013 <img src= Address used: Gerard Butler Alan Siegel Entertainment 345 North Maple Drive Suite 376 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA Photo: -

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Just another Gerard Butler AP - 2012年9月14日
Sent to: Gerard Butler Alan Siegel Entertainment 345 North Maple Drive Suite 375 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA Received from: 3727 W Magnolia Blvd. Burbank CA 91505 (Spanky Taylor Adress) <img src= " title="Rolling Eyes" /> June 13th 2012 - September 14th 2012 -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Mlb Rich Harden Success
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Nhl Ron Hextall Success
Nfl Josey Jewell Success (Carolina Panthers)
Nfl Tariq Woolen Fail / Rts (Seattle Seahawks)



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