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Gerard Depardieuの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

Gerard Depardieu success - 2012年3月29日
Sent a letter, a blu-ray cover, self-addressed envelope and 2 IRCs on March 13th to: Gerard Depardieu Artmédia 20, Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris France Received the cover signed and personalized and a PP on March 28th. I have to say this is probably the biggest dissapointment Ive had in a success in the 4 years of autograph collecting. He signed the cover on the darker part & not with a sharpie but with a regular pen and one that it seems wasnt working that well, so I can barely see my name and his signature is virtually non-existant aside from the first letter thanks to said pen. Cant believe he couldnt find at least a working pen to finish the autograph or personalized the PP which is brighter and just sent the cover like this. Almost a waste of money if not for getting the cover back. :0( -

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Gerard Depardieu SUCCESS - 2011年11月16日
Sent: 2 pictures, 1 card, letter, SA Envelope, 2 IRC On 31st October to the address on the database Received: the 3 items signed -

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