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Gerhard Schwedesの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ger Schwedes American Football (Gerhard Schwedes) - 2015年7月23日
Gerhard H. Schwedes (born April 23, 1938) is a former American football halfback who played two seasons in the American Football League with the Boston Patriots and New York Titans. He was drafted by the Baltimore Colts in the fourth round of the 1960 NFL Draft. He was also a territorial pick of the Boston Patriots in 1960 American Football League draft. He played college football at Syracuse University.. National Champs in 1959. New York Titans (1960) Boston Patriots (1960-1961) Sent 2 cards on 13 July and got both back signed on 23 July Mr Ger Schwedes 839 Oakwood St. Fayetteville NY. 13066-2222

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