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Gillian Andersonの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 7ページ):

Gillian Anderson Success - 2014年4月1日
Gillian Anderson Success Sent photo, letter and sase 1/3/2014from Denver Colorado, came back 3/31/2014 Independent Talent Group Ltd 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH United Kingdom - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures please check out, and like my autograph page.... https://www.facebook.com/ChristopherLykinsautographs

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Gillian Anderson incomplete success - 2014年2月20日
Sent 3 photos around January (not X-Files) Came 2 photos not sign, 1- photo sign. Used address in database. - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Gillian Anderson Success :) - 2011年11月22日
Sent letter,1 photo(not x-files related) & sase to the address in the database.Received photo signed. Photo... - Envelope... - Sent..15.9.11 Received..21.11.11

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Gillian Anderson - Success - 2011年11月16日
Sent: 07/07/2011 LOR, SASE & 2 photos Rec.: 16/11/2011 one photo signed Used this address: Gillian Anderson Independent Talent Group Ltd Oxford House 76 Oxford Street London W1D 1BS UK She kept one photo (photoshoot NOT a X-Files photo) but I'm very happy with this feedback! <img src= - -

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GILLIAN ANDERSON disappointing success!! - 2011年11月15日
Date Sent: June 30th, 2011 Date Received: November 15th, 2011 Sent 3 8x10 b/w OFFICIAL "X-Files" press photos and 3 DVD sleeves to: Gillian Anderson c/o Independent Talent Group Ltd Oxford House 76 Oxford Street LONDON W1D 1BS England Received all 3 press photos back unsigned only 1 of the DVD sleeves were signed. At least it is something. Thank you very much Ms. Anderson. Here is a link to the DVD sleeve: -

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