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Glenn Danzigの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Glenn Danzig RTS - 2018年3月14日
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Glenn Danzig Success - 2015年11月16日
On Monday 11/16/15, I received my SASE back with two autographed photos from legendary rock performer Glenn Danzig. I'm a huge Misfits and Danzig fan and this was just the coolest to get back. He signed one in silver, and one in black; a damn fine addition to the collection!

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Glenn Danzig success - 2015年11月6日
Sent a letter 2 pictures and SASE on 10-7-15. Both returned signed 11-6-15 great success super happy to get him back. Address used: Blackest of the Black, Inc. P.o. Box 641634 Los Angeles, CA 90064

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Glenn Danzig **SUCCESS* - 2015年10月14日
Sent 2 covers, LoR and a SASE to the address in the database and got them both back, signed. I am unbelievably happy about this one. He is huge for me, and this response will never be topped no matter who signs anything. Glenn Danzig Blackest of The Black, Inc. P.O. Box 641634 Los Angeles, CA 90064 USA SENT: September 18, 2015 RCVD: October 13, 2015 (The only date better than that would be Halloween)

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Glenn Danzig RTS (my fault tho) - 2015年10月7日
I sent a CD cover to Danzig in a rush, and used the OLD address (P.O. Box 1813 in Los Angeles). Obviously it came back RTS. I'm uploading this, even tho it was MY mistake, just so no one else does it by accident. Took 16 days to get it back, after the RTS mark. At least I got it back tho. Don't beat me up too much guys lol... <img src=

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