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Gloria Giffordの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Gloria Gifford Halloween 2 Success - 2013年7月22日
Sent a letter of request and photo on June 26 to Gloria Gifford at: Gloria Gifford Conservatory for the Performing Arts 287 S. Robertson Blvd Ste 124 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Got a response from Gifford's assistant through Facebook on July 4 insisting that I send a money order for $20 because it wasn't fair that I didn't attend a convention and pay for an autograph like others. Gladly sent the money order with a note requesting that she NOT personalize the autograph since I was paying. I received the photo on July 16...it WAS personalized despite my request. Personally, if I am paying that much for an autograph, knowing personalization takes away from the value, I would hope the celebrity would honor the request. I've received autos from much bigger celebrities - including John Carpenter - and they did not request payment...and I didn't mind that they personalized.

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