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Graham Nortonの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 6ページ):

Graham Norton Success! - 2012年7月9日
Sent Mr. Norton 1 LOR on 06/06/2012 Received genuine autographed 5 x 7 color photo today 09/07/2012 Used address in database

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Graham Norton Success (: - 2012年1月30日
Heey <img src= Today i received Graham Nortons autograph <img src= just a few weeks back i sent him a LOR & SASE His PA also sent me a little note & also sent me my SASE back and used there own envelope <img src= address used, Graham Norton Troika 3rd Floor 74 Clerkenwell Road London, EC1M 5QA UK Picture ~ - Envelope ~ -

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Graham Norton Success! - 2011年9月23日
I sent him a letter 25th August and received a reply 23rd September. I used this address: Graham Norton Troika 3rd Floor 74 Clerkenwell Road London, EC1M 5QA UK Heres a pic: http://yfrog.com/mn8f2kj The assistant included a letter. Heres a pic: http://yfrog.com/mn8f2kj

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Graham Norton Success - 2011年5月2日
Sent LOR on March 10, 2011 to Troika 3rd Floor 74 Clerkenwell Road London, EC1M 5QA UK, and received an autographed photo and a note from his PA today, May 2. The note said: "Dear Lauren, Please find enclosed the signed photo from Graham. Unfortunately, we will not be filming The Graham Norton Show in August. The current series finishes in June. Best wishes, Becky Wales" In the letter, I mentioned that my mom and I may be visiting London in August and would try to see the show then, only to find out the next day that they dont tape in August, at which point I felt kind of stupid for bringing it up. <img src= It was nice of her to let me know, though. Anyway, Im thrilled with the autograph! It matches what handwriting of his Ive seen on the show. -

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