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Green Bay Packersの直筆サイン入り写真 (14 / 15ページ):

Donald Driver Success!!! (Green Bay Packers) - 2011年12月22日
On 11/9/2011 I sent Green Bay Packers WR Donald Driver a LOR, SASE, and 1 card. Today (12/22/2011) I received back my card signed with a black felt tipped marker! Very happy about this success from one of the NFLs good guys! Sent to: Donald Driver c/o Green Bay Packers P.O. Box 10628 Green Bay, WI 54307-0628 -

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Green Bay Packers Fan Pack - 2011年12月7日
Sent: Nov. 20, 2011 Recieved: Yesterday 12/7 Yesterday I recieved a fan pack from the Packers. They sent a bracelet, 2 team photos (1 from 1961, 1 from 2010), a copy of the roster, a sports bag, some trading cards, and a letter. I think that this is a great success and that they sent way more than other teams!

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John Kuhn success!!! (Green Bay Packers) - 2011年11月20日
On 11/10/2011 I sent to Green Bay Packers Fullback John Kuhn, yesterday (11/19/2011) I got the card signed with a black felt tipped marker!! Great success!! Sent to: John Kuhn Green Bay Packers P.O. Box 10628 Green Bay, WI 54307-0628 -

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Mike McCarthy (Green Bay Packers Head Coach) Success! - 2011年11月7日
Sent A Letter To Mike McCarthy on 10-24-11 and got today 11-7-11 a signed card. Used the Packers address in the database no pics sorry.

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Aaron Rodgers 2nd Success!!! (Green Bay Packers) - 2011年10月25日
Aaron Rodgers c/o Green Bay Packers P.O. Box 10628 Green Bay, WI 54307-0628 I wrote a fan letter and sent a SAS Box along with a football, mini helmet, and a $50.00 cash donation to the Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers on 9/26/11. I got a response back from him on 10/4/11 and to my surprise, he signed both the football and mini helmet for me. I was really stunned to get a response back from him so quickly let alone get a response back at all figuring that he must be overwhelmed with fanmail considering that the Packers won the Super Bowl earlier this year and that he was named MVP of Super Bowl 45. The first time I was able to get signature through fanmail was on a couple of football cards when he first came up as a rookie with the Packers. I am still really shocked and surprised about this success. <img src= <img src= <img src= - - -

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