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Greg Biffleの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Greg Biffle NASCAR Success - 2016年12月17日
Sent LOR, SASE and TC to: Mr. Greg Biffle c/o Roush Fenway Racing 4600 Roush Pl. NW Concord, NC 28027 Received my card back signed. Shockingly, only half of the envelope was delivered, but the card was inside. Sent: 10/19/16 Received: 12/17/16 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Greg Biffle (NASCAR) - Success - 2013年1月14日
Greg Biffle (NASCAR) Mailed: July 2011 (2) 5x7 1 Year & 1 Month Turnaround Received: 8/23/12 Returned Both Autographed Used address in the database

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Greg Biffle - 2012年10月4日
Sent him an 8 by 10 back on 2-13-12 and got it back on 4-22-12. Here's the addy I used: Roush Racing 4600 Roush Place Concord, NC 28027

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Greg Biffle Success - 2012年7月23日
Yesterday, I got a success from Greg Biffle. I had sent out my request on 2/26/2012 with a SASE and a trading card. I thought this was gone, as this took 146 Days! I actually met him last week, so I have his autograph twice now. Address: Greg Biffle c/o Roush Fenway Racing 4600 Roush place Concord, NC 28027 Sent: 2/26/2012 Recieved: 7/21/2012 146 Days

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Gerrit W. Gong (Lds Church Apostle) Success!
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Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
Nfl Brandon Peters Fail / Rts
Jessy Schram Vv Success
Tommy Chong Actor Success
Eric Brewer Nhl Success (Prince George Cougars)



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