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Greg Brockの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 4ページ):

Greg Brock & Mickey Morandini BASEBALL Success! - 2012年6月28日
A few weeks ago I found 2 boxes of Baseball cards at a Good Will Store. Decided to send some out to get signed on 6.22.2012 and today 6.28.2012 I got back 2 of the baseball cards. Only 1 week turn around. Awesome! I sent 1 card to Gregory Brock (but received 2 base ball cards back.) http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p105/DisneyDreamz/GregBrockAutograph.png I sent the yellow card out... These are Authentic autographs.... and Mickey Morindini http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p105/DisneyDreamz/MickeyMorandiniAutograph.png *Don't have the envelope since there's no Return Address on the SASE I sent. Used the addresses in the Database.

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Greg Brock - 2012年6月10日
Mailed: 06/01/12 Recvd: 06/09/12 Items: x3 cards Greg Brock 3727 Valley Oak Dr. Loveland, CO 80538 -

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Greg Brock Success 2/2! - 2011年11月3日
On 10/21/2011 I sent a LOR, SASE and 2 cards to former Dodgers and Brewers first baseman Greg Brock. I received them both back today signed in a black felt tipped marker! Sent to: Mr. Greg Brock 3727 Valley Oak Dr Loveland, CO 80538-8930 Picture here: http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/8492/gregbrock.jpg

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Greg Brock Success 2/2! - 2011年11月3日
On 10/21/2011 I sent a LOR, SASE and 2 cards to former Dodgers and Brewers first baseman Greg Brock. I received them both back today signed in a black felt tipped marker! Sent to: Mr. Greg Brock 3727 Valley Oak Dr Loveland, CO 80538-8930 Picture here: http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/8492/gregbrock.jpg

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