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Gregg Olsonの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Gregg Olson 1989 AL ROY - 2013年3月2日
I wrote to Mr. Olson on 2-19-13 sending a LOR, SASE and 2 cards. Today, 3-1-13, I recieved both cards signed. - Gregg Olson 1996 Port Nelson Pl Newport Beach, CA 92660

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Gregg Olson - EX MLB Player Success - 2013年3月1日
I sent 6 cards, letter, and SASE to Gregg Olson and received back 3 cards signed along with the 3 others unsigned. Sent - 2/20/13 Received - 2/28/13 Mailed: Gregg Olson 1996 Port Nelson Pl Newport Beach, CA 92660 - Thanks Mr. Olson!

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Gregg Olson - 2013年2月9日
Mailed: 01/19/13 Recvd: 02/08/13 Items: 4 cards Gregg Olson 1996 Port Nelson Pl. Newport Beach, CA 92660 -

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Gregg Olson (San Diego Padres) double success - 2011年9月27日
Gregg Olson was one of the best relief pitchers in Baltimore Orioles history. I was able to see him when he played AA ball in Charlotte. So I was able to find out that he is a scout in the San Diego Padres farm system. On 8/18/11 I sent him a letter, two cards and SASE to the database addy for the Padres. On 9/26/11, both card came back signed. One is his rookie card. One of my favorite Orioles TTM so far. -

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